Social responsibility

There are many ways to act responsibly as a researcher. I think this is one of the many places where the ‘boy scout rule’ is applicable:

Leave every place better than you found it.

In other words, when feeling overwhelmed by the challenge of doing everything right, just start with something and make it a little bit better. (Cultivate virtues.)

Some things us machine learning researchers can do:

  • evaluate our models thoroughly to prevent exaggerated performance claims [1], [2], [3]
  • follow the TRIPOD guidelines when reporting on clinical risk prediction models, publish model cards or datasheets for datasets, implement the (FUTURE-AI]( best practices for trustworthy AI in medicine
  • collaborate with domain experts and stakeholders to create ML systems that generate meaningful impact, instead of advancing 1% on a benchmark
  • understand whether a problem really requires (yet another) ML “solution”
  • perform an algorithmic impact assessment [1], [2], [3]
  • assess the climate impact of our ML projects, and support the Climate Change AI Initiative
  • engage critically in discussions regarding ethical usage of AI/ML

Some things all of us researchers can do:

  • be kind to ourselves, our students, and our colleagues, and nurture a supportive and encouraging workplace for everyone
  • work towards meaningful progress on important challenges, instead of working towards that next paper as an end in itself
  • contribute to the flourishing of our research community by reviewing, organizing events, teaching, supervising, mentoring, volunteering, doing public outreach work, …
  • make research openly accessible (paper, code), correct, and reproducible (if interested, see some very basic best practices for scientific software development that I wrote an aeon ago)
  • aim for design justice by giving those who will be affected by our research a voice in it
  • support the Scientists for future and whatever other initiative supports the cause for a human-friendly future earth

Let me know if you think something crucial is missing that I should add!