

  • semgsim, an R package that generates realistic surface electromyographic (sEMG) and force signals by modeling muscle physiology, and motor unit pool organization. [Link]
  • A cardiac artifact removal toolbox that provides Matlab implementations of a number of algorithms for removing cardiac interference from surface EMG measurements, as well as metrics and two exemplary datasets for evaluating their respective accuracy. [Link]
  • KFS-suite, a collection of linear and nonlinear Kalman filter and smoother implementations in Matlab. The implementation can deal with missing data, multiple measurements, time-varying systems, and state constraints (a simple projection-based approach is implemented). A state-of-the-art iterated approximation scheme is implemented for nonlinear systems. [Link]

Matlab utilities

  • scatter_nice, a wrapper for Matlab’s scatter function that actually generates useful plots by default. [Link]
  • plot_signals, a simple method for conveniently plotting and comparing a bunch of signals in a matrix. [Link]
  • mvdensity, an efficient multivariate density estimation method based on simple histogram interpolation/smoothing. [Link]
  • movquant, the equivalent of medfilt1, movmax, and movmin, but for arbitrary quantiles p. [Link]
  • gen_rand_spd, a simple function to generate a random symmetric positive definite matrix with a specified condition number. [Link]


  • A simple latex template for Bachelor’s / Master’s theses. [Link]
  • An introductory document on best practices for scientific software development. [Link]